By Rosa-Mari Le Roux, Content Manager, I have come to realise that the success of your content lies in the targeted distribution thereof. The first step of your content creation process should be to determine how and where to publish your content, a sound distribution plan is therefore equally as important as the content that you create. Here are five tips to follow when planning the distribution of your content. Research before you release Content distribution is all about reaching the right audience. Research your target audience before building your distribution strategy. Start by collecting data from your website and social media followers. Their age, gender, location and other related categories should be available on google analytics or on your social media platform analytic tools. You can further collect feedback directly from your existing customers and followers. By asking them about their preferences for receiving communication, you will get a better idea of which platform and format to use in future. This information will form the golden thread of your content creation and distribution plan. The important R’s Once the content has been created you can reuse and repurpose it on various platforms. Let’s say you released a blog post on “Graphic Design 101”; this content might also work for a webinar or even a short YouTube video that your audience can watch if they don’t want to read an article on the topic. Other platforms that your content can be repurposed on include podcasts, videos and social media posts that will reach and grow new audiences for your business. You have already done the work, now use it to its full potential. The art of sharing There is no use in creating content that no one wants to share. Make sure that your content is interesting, easy to read and understandable. Don’t try to sound like an intellectual mastermind, rather package your knowledge in a way that others can relate to. You will do no one any favour by making someone feel inferior when reading your work. Making content sharable also means to make it accessible on all platforms such as Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn, to name just a few. By allowing your audience to share your content on multiple platforms, you are reaching readers that you may never have found otherwise. Social media is a wonderful tool if you know how to use it to your advantage. By understanding the art of making your content shareable, means less work and more marketing for you. Rome wasn't built in a day Test all distribution channels on a continuous basis. Your content might not reach the desired audience on the first try, but people and their interests evolve. Constant attempts to find additional channels may help grow your audience faster and more effectively. Each content type has their own audience, by using different platforms you will certainly reach a wider audience than usual. After distributing your content on numerous platforms, collect the results and measure it against your audience engagement and feedback. This will give you further insight into what your audience likes to read, listen or watch. Barking up the wrong tree Now that you have researched your audience, decided on distribution platforms and created shareable content, you must make sure that you are not barking up the wrong tree. After distributing your content, analyse and measure your results. Choose a routine time (weekly) to monitor your website visits and your social media following, also follow comments and number of shares on your content. This will help you to set a goal for the following distribution cycle. Finally, trust in your audience. If you are as connected to your audience as you should be, they will guide you in the right direction to create the perfect content for them. If you start your distribution process with these five tips, you should end up with the perfect recipe for delivering your content to the desired audience.
November 2020